Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Continuing Where I Left Off (6 cents)

Before I signed off last night, I told you that I was almost finished listing everything found on the shelves in my home office. That was no lie. I am going to finish the list now.

First, before I go into detail, there is a radio/cd player, a fax machine and a lamp behind my desk. I don't think they should be part of this list, but I see that they are not books, and I told you I was going to list everything else. Here goes --

1. Another post card, this one showing King George VI and his Queen Elizabeth waving to the crowd in Montreal on May 18, 1939.

2. Miniature dictionaries translating from Spanish, German, French, and Italian into English. Very small books in their own little case. Long words are omitted; they do not fit.

3. A green, rubber spider

4. A bookplate signed by Doris Kearns Goodwin.

5. Horverstehen Teil 1, 4 cds to help you learn German.

6. 7 quarters, each from a different state (a collection that never got off the ground because of the necessity of feeding parking meters)

7. A lacquered Russian shot glass, one of a number that I brought back from the USSR in 1974.

8. 3 bookmarks from the French Line, advertising le plus long paquebot du monde.

9. A lucite rectangle with a piano keyboard and two floating hands inside.

10. An historic American flag on a playing card (it's a joker).

11. A ceramic cup with fancy people on the side, made by daughter Hannah

12. A photograph labeled "Baltimore 1931" that seems to be of my mother in law and two others.

13. A photograph of a outside painted wall in Belfast that I took last year, showing George Bush smoking something illicit, with the title "America's Greatest Failure".

14. Two cassettes I used to help learn a Torah portion and a haftorah.

15. Another cassette entitled "Songs of the Jews of Calcutta"

16. A calling card giving you a Herzlich Willkommen to the Hotel Sacher Wien from the Familie Gurtler.

17. A fancy, carved Mexican gourd, with a mask-like face.

18. One piece of a pair of bookends, in the form of a bookcase, made of dark wood, that I have had since childhood.

19. A bust of (I think and am not sure why) Moses. I have given him both my Harvard Crimson medalion, and my father in law's Good Conduct pin.

20. Two "cigarette box" silks from the very early 1900s, one showing the flag of Russia (now again the flag of Russia) and one showing the Zionist flag (not quite the current flag of Israel) along with the first three measures of Ha-tikvah.

21. A nice, fancy yamokah, black with colored trim.

22. A scoring card from the Leisure World Golf Course.

That's all, folks. Everything one day will be for sale on e-bay.

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