Friday, July 21, 2006

Melwood: Apply Directly to Forehead (28 cents)

Every time I hear a soporific radio ad for Melwood, backed by even more soporific music (even Muzak would be an improvement), I automatically turn to another station. I am sure that Melwood does good work (it appears to be a non-profit that helps people with serious problems, and that really wants your old cars and boats), but its ads are maddening. And what is worse, in addition to Melwood, there now appear to be Melwood-wannabes who suffer from the same disease.

Now, on television, there is an ad for something or other (I assume it is a remedy for some malady) that ends with a lady saying "Apply it directly to your forehead! Apply it directly to your forehead! Apply it directly to your forehead!" in an abrasive voice, while you see a picture of a forehead being battered by somebody holding a bottle (jar? can? package?) of this wonder drug.

Then, I realized that this is what I don't like about Melwood. When I hear the sob story and strings, I feel like someone is applying it directly to my forehead.

Come on, Madison Avenue, can't you do better than that?

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