Saturday, July 16, 2005

Darwinism/Intelligent Design

Now, here is a subject about which I know a lot from experience.

But, let's start with birds. It used to be that DuPont Circle (like the Tidal Basin) had swarms of seagulls. Now it has only pigeons. My conclusion: by virtue of Darwinian theory, seagulls mutate into pigeons.

Fifteen years ago, at our bird feeder, we had a lot of what were called "house finches". Little brown finches with red (varying degrees of intensity) heads. Now, they are gone, and the only finches we have (other than gold finches) are all brown. The gold finches eat different food (thistle rather than seeds, so I conclude that they are not related to the house finches. My conclusion: by virtue of Darwinian theory, house finches have all turned into brown finches.

Now, we are talking about shifts that have taken place in a very short period of time. Let's take a longer look. There used to be dinosaurs; this is fact. Now, there are none. There is no record that, during the period in which dinosaurs lived, there were any fruit flies. My conclusion (this based on logic, rather than transitional observation) based on Darwinian theory: dinosaurs most likely mutated into fruit flies.

I heard a radical Christian on the radio one day talking on this subject, and he said that people have been mutating fruit flies for a hundred years, and all you get are different kinds of fruit flies (thus implying that Darwin was wrong). But, I say: hey, he had it backwards. He expected to be able to start with fruit flies and wind up with dinosaurs. It only works the other way around.

Besides, Darwin was a Christian, wasn't he? And, doesn't that prove something?

I heard someone say that our closest relatives were bonabos. I looked up bonabos in my dictionary and see that they are long limbed chimpanzees from Zaire. So, Zaire.

Actually, I understand that Zaire is no longer Zaire, whaire it used to be. Now, it is Congo. Another example, if I may be so bold, of Darwinian theory in action. Zaire mutated into Congo.

But what about these bonabos? Are there Christian bonabos, Jewish bonabos, Moslem bonabos, animist bonabos (this is fun - in case you have not tried it, bonabo is really a fun word to type)? Bonabo, bonabo, bonabo, bonabo.

So, Darwin is clear. Now, let's move on to intelligent design. That is, of course, a phrase filled with ambiguity. It, read literally, moves that someone/something/someforce with intelligence created the world as we know it. So what? Couldn't intelligent design have created the theory that Darwin posited? Couldn't intelligent design have created Darwin? Couldn't intelligent design have created the people who think that Darwin is for the birds? And so forth.

But no, "intelligent design" is supposed to mean that God (that is a whole other story) created the world in 6 days (and then took a nap). But that is not "intelligent design". You would have to say that God created with world in 6 days using "intelligent design". Dare you to do that. You would have no clue as to what you were suggesting, would you?

But intelligent design, in short hand, is i.d., or id. Which brings us back to Freud. Who, I am sure, would have a lot to say about bonabos.

1 comment:

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