Saturday, July 09, 2005

Weight, Weight, Don't Tell Me

Went to a number of D.C. tourists sites today: WWII memorial, WWI memorial, Korean War memorial, Vietnam War memorial.........

Two matters of note:

1. Many tourists weigh too much. Many weigh way too much. Some weigh way way too much. (And it seems that, while here, only U.K. tourists shed their pounds. ha. ha.)

2. There is still plent of space between Constitution Avenue and the Potomac (N and S) and the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial (E and W). We can have a lot more wars. Our leaders should not let fear of monumental claustrophobia keep them from launching attacks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I had known I could get a running supply of Arthur blerbs, just with the flick of a button, I would have enjoyed you much sooner. For some reason, Edie told me to read your blog on Judaism/Christianity, but what a host of other witty prattles awaited me! Now you've heard it said that it's difficult to be beautiful and humble, but I would add to that: it's difficult to be Jewish, a wee bit smart and witty and yet maintain a degree of humility. Golly Ned, sweetheart, you accomplish just that, however, and that, to me, is the the wonder of Arthur.

So, about my comment..........what was it? and to which blerb was I commenting?....Oh! yes, the one about "monumental claustrophobia" ~~ now, how cool is that? It gives me many chuckles and "right-ons"! Very clever

I send you my undying favor (btw, what does that mean?) ~~ Linda

P.S. I didn't enter a web page, 'cause I don't have one. However, my e-mail address is: