Sunday, December 18, 2005

Campbell Brown and Colonial Lane

Campbell Brown is the accomplished and attractive NBC Today Show weekend host (and weekday sometime substitute). The only other thing I knew about her is that she had an interesting first name.

So, much to my surprise, in looking a the most recent quarterly alumni magazine of Ladue High School, I see reference to Campbell Brown, NBC personality and daughter of Ladue graduate Jim Brown. This particular Jim Brown (I assume this is the right one, based on his graduation year) was a year or two older than me, and lived about 12 houses away on Colonial Lane. We were not friends, and during high school probably had nothing really to do with each other, but were part of the same group that spent their summer evenings on bicycles through the neighborhood in junior high school years.

At any rate, it got me thinking that there were a lot of kids on Colonial Lane. Some stayed there until I left after high school graduation, but others moved away earlier, to be replaced by families with kids much too young for me to pay attention to (not being a pedophile).

And, I don't know what happened to (virtually) any of them. So, here are the names of those I remember. Your job is to locate them.

John Vencill (saw him a few years ago; lived in Atlanta working for some aircraft company)
Anne Richardson (saw her a few years ago; retired in North Carolina playing golf)
Cindy Richardson
Marsha Steinberg
Nancy Laba
Jody Laba
Barbara McCracken
Dick Elliott
Brian Zingsheim
Steve Kunkel
Barbara Kunkel
Ann Braznell
Joann Larsen
Lanny Jones

Some of them may not remember me. They've been gone a long, long time. But I think I have the names right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, I was and still am living in Bonaire, GA.

At the time, I worked for Hughes Aircraft Company which was bought by Raytheon Corporation. I have since retired.

Details at

Regards to all!