Thursday, August 24, 2006

A Rare Gift from CVS (7 cents)

I stopped at the Van Ness CVS store on the way to the office to pick up a small notebook, which was marked 89 cents. I took it to the register, the clerk (the sales associate? the partner?) put in a number and out popped 99 cents.

Obviously not a big difference, but I mentioned it and we went back to the shelf to see if I had read it correctly. 89 cents.

The store manager happened to be in the same aisle; she asked how she should handle this, since she had already rung up the sale (and I had already paid the 99 cents, along with 6 cents for the District), and he said: "Just give him back a quarter."

I said that the difference is only 10 cents, but the clerk said, "that's ok, take the quarter".

A rare gift from CVS.

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