Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Tricks of Memory

I parked my car in the garage and entered the building's elevator lobby this morning, where a man in a Nationals' cap and warm up jacket was already waiting. He was probably about 50. I asked him if he was on the team.

On the way up, we and a few other Washingtonians lamented the Nationals, Caps, Redskins and Wizards.

Then, I got thinking. Forty years ago, a book was published called "Letters To and From Groucho Marx", real letters if I recall that Groucho sent (and the responses he received).

One, to Yankee Joe Dimaggio went something like: "Saw you late last night at Toots Shor's restaurant in New York. You were dressed in slacks, a sport jacket and tie. I was shocked. What would you have done if a ball game had broken out?"

My elevator companion was ready for action.

But what does all this say about memory. Let's say I read the Groucho book when it came out, or within a few years. 35-40 years ago. Why is it that I remember this letter, and nothing else at all?

Or, better still, although I remember this letter, do you think it is really in the book?


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