Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Ladnering and Katzening (1 cent)

To "ladner" someone is to provide him with a gift to reward him for obtaining something improperly, where the gift is to give him more of what was improperly obtained. For example, if someone breaks into a store and steals a television set, you give him a bigger television set. If he rapes a 6 year old, you provide him with another 6 year old (or two). That is the meaning of ladnering.

How can American University ladner Ladner by giving him $4 million of severence and benefits when he is being forced out by improperly spending university assets on himself? It boggles the mind. (I wonder who Boggle was.)

Four A.U. trustees have resigned over the past month as a protest against the Board's generous treatment of Ladner, and their resignation of course cleared the way for the remaining board members to ladner Ladner, so it seems to me that the resigned board members are guilty of abetting the ladnering of Ladner, at the very least.

If you assume that the $4 million one way or another comes from the University's pocket, and that tuition is $30,000 a year, it means that 100% of the tuition of 133.33 students this year went to pay for Ladner's ladnering. Not to mention the costs (legal counsel and otherwise) of getting from there to here.

At the same time, another new word has come into use: "katzening". To katzen an institution is to give it an extraordinary gift that will enhance the prestige and mission of the institution. The Katzens gave A.U. $20,000,000 for a new museum and arts center, which has just opened.

Our institutions need more katzening, and less ladnering.

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