Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Giant Food's Training Program (36 cents)

Giant Food's Training Program leaves something to be desired.

I don't usually shop at Giant, but I made a quick stop last night to buy some peanut butter.

At the checkout stand, the young woman told me that it was $3.99. I gave her $4 and told her to keep the change. She seemed appreciative.

So far, so good.

Then, as I was leaving, what did she say? She said "see you again". "See you again?"

She obviously does not know the proper way to end a conversation with a supermarket customer. She should have said, of course, "paper or plastic".

I did not let her phase me. Not getting thrown off by her mistake, I looked her in the eye and said: "Paper or plastic to you, as well."


Anonymous said...

Hi, Show Me.(I don't know you well enough, of course, to address you as "Show.") I noted a visit at my blog and was curious. I still am:
1. Why does no one comment on your blog?? I think it is wittily-written and interesting.
2. Does "Show Me" indicate a connection of some sort to Missouri? I just moved from there.
3. I skimmed through your blog, but didn't find an indicator as to your references to "XX cents." I plan to go back and read more, but what is that?

And I think I'll just go to your blog for book reviews from now on!

Anonymous said...

thats a great comment! on behalf of my dad (since he is on vacation and will not be blogging) i thank you!
i too was confused by the xx cents so i will clear it up for everyone - it refers to how much change he has found on the ground since his last entry.
yes, that's my dad!