Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Win some, lose some (one cent)

I went to see "la Vie en Rose", the movie about Edith Piaf, this evening, with high hopes. A French movie, it has won a number of awards. But it was not to be. Edith Piaf's voice, as always, is remarkable, although the movie does not show it off to its best. But both her life, and this movie, were extraordinarily sad and depressing. But was her life always as depressing as the movie made it out to be?

But let's talk about reviews. I had previous said that I thought that there must be two movies named "A Mighty Heart", the one that I saw, and the one that my friends saw. Looking at several on-line reviews, I discover that I am correct. For example, Roger Ebert and other reviewers saw the precise movie that I saw, while still other reviews saw the precise movie my friends saw.

As to "La Vie en Rose", much the same. Several reviewers saw the overly depressing movie that I watched last night, while others saw one of the best biopics ever made.

How can this be? And what does it mean for the future of humanity?

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