Saturday, July 16, 2005

Speaking about the Lubavitcher Rebbe [3 cents]

He didn't start out that way (he married into nobility). He started out as a secular kind of guy, and even went to the Sarbonne, where I think he might have studied math. (maybe not math)

If my timing is correct, he was a student at the Sarbonne at the same time that Ho Chi Minh was a student there.

So, now we have a growing pantheon--Ho Chi Minh, Menachum Schneerson and Cardinal Woytila. I want to add Chou En Lai to the list. I do this because Theodore White (The Making of the President books, etc.) said in Making History that Chou En Lai was the most persuasive person he ever met. He even convinced White to stop keeping kosher (this was in Szechuan province at the time of the Long March).

So, if the following people got together, they could have changed history. Ho Chi Minh, Menachum Schneerson, Cardinal Woytila and Ho Chi Minh. We may also have to add Nelson Mandela. Yes, I think that would be a good idea.

You ask where the persuasive women are? Good question.

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