Thursday, June 07, 2007

Presidential Courage

So, Michael Beschloss' book on presidential courage seems to be getting panned all over. Based on what I have seen about the book, and on his presentation several weeks ago and Politics and Prose, that is not surprising.

He picked a number of examples of various presidential accomplishments, defined them as obvious examples of presidential courage (all were not) and stated them to be the best examples possible (they were not).

At any rate, in contemporary terms, look at George Bush (if you dare). You can't deny it: invading Iraq was an example of presidential courage. It might have also been an example of presidential stupidity or presidential deception, but clearly it involved courage.

So, we have a courageous president, right? Well, not so fast.

Our president does not appear to have the courage to pardon Scooter Libby, a man who clearly does not deserve to hang out and dry while his superiors go free.

For shame.

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