Friday, December 16, 2005

More Morning Thoughts

I obviously hit the Post button too soon.

But it goes with my first morning thought. Au Bon Pain, on L Street, has several thermoses of coffee from which its customers pour their own cups. OK, so far, so good. But Au Bon Pain, on L Street, changes the order and placement of the thermoses from day to day. Sometimes, the one closest to the door is Cafe Roast, sometimes Hazelnut, etc. There should be a law against this, don't you think? The whole purpose of getting coffee is to enable you to read signs and process what you read. You cannot be expected to this first thing in the morning.

One other thing. An article I saw this morning on CNN's website talked about an explosion in Russia. It was quoting a source from what may be the world's most difficult to pronounce word (other than those without vowels and with Slavic consonent order):
Rosenergoatom. Want to tell me how you think you say it?

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