Saturday, March 24, 2007

All the News That's Fit to Print?

Yesterday's and today's Washington Post's front page. (I understand that the motto is the Times', not the Post's)

1. The Republicans have been arguing against giving the District a voice in Congress because it would be unconstitutional. But when it comes down to the vote itself, they don't vote against it for that reason, but instead attach a rider to overturn DC's gun laws. So much for Republican principles! (I think the Constitutional question is a serious one, and my response is easy: amend the Constitution.)

2. John Edwards' wife cancer has spread and is now Stage IV. Very sad. And I can understand wanting to get on with your life. But continuing to run for the presidency? I don't think that is the thing to do. But what should one do in this circumstance? Let's fall back again on Republican principles. WWND?*

*What Would Newt Do?

You remember that Newt G., when his wife had cancer, told her he wanted a divorce!! [Odd isn't it, that the family values parties has Newt, who has been married three times, John McCain who has been married twice, and Rudy Guliani, who with his wife have six marriages between them? The party of family values, indeed. Why, by the way, has the other Republican contender, Mitt Romney, only had one wife? After all, as a Mormon, can't he have as many as he wants?]

3. So by a close vote, the House has put a 2008 deadline on troops in Iraq. I would like to have no troops in Iraq in March 2007, but does this legislation really make sense? On any level? But why are we in Iraq now, after all? You got it. Republican principles.

4. Alberto Gonzales continues to maintain that he had nothing to do with firing 8 U.S. attorneys. Now it turns out, he was in at least one meeting to discuss this very topic! Well, perhaps he just doesn't remember. That was Scooter Libby's excuse you recall. Must be another example of Republican principles.

So, what would I say, if I were a Republican, to all of this? I would say: "You are mistaking the principles of these Republicans for Republican principles. Republican principles are in favor of democracy for all, family values, national self-determination, and honesty and transparency before all."

I see.

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