Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Growing Up (8 cents)

Everyone else liked the Cardinals; I liked the Browns. Everyone else liked the Post-Dispatch; I liked the Globe Democrat. Everone else liked hamburgers; I liked fried chicken. Everyone else liked chocolate ice cream; I liked butter pecan. Everyone else went to Shaare Emeth or Temple Israel; I went to United Hebrew. Everyone else went to camp in Wisconsin; I went to camp in the Ozarks. Everyone else had their hair cut by Earl; I had my hair cut by Walter. Everyone else got Pevely milk at their house; I got Sealtest. Everyone else used Ipana toothpaste; I used Colgate. Everyone else wore blue jeans; I wore khakis. Everyone else went to Dr. Deutsch; I went to Dr. Gibstine. I didn't do anything anyone else did, did I? And I turned out so normal.

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