Thursday, May 12, 2005

"Everyone Loves Raymond"

It's final episode is showing on Monday, May 16.

It has run for nine years.

It has been a very popular show.

I have never seen it, and have no clue what it is about.

My question: Since I cannot love Raymond, not knowing who or what he/it is, the title of the show cannot be correct.

Should I try to contact the network and have them change the title or, because there is only one more show, should I simply let sleeping dogs (could Raymond be a dog?) lie? [note the double entendre]


Anonymous said...

We're with you there. Tried watching it a few times, can never stand more than a few minutes before we say it's dumb and change the channel - won't be missed by me! Totally different story with Friends and Sex & the City - I was quite sad. - Marcela

Anonymous said...

Chuck said . . .
I watch virtually no television, except for Everybody Loves Raymond. I will admit that I did not discover it until it had been on for 7 years, and I have never seen it in prime time, but only in re-runs at 11:30 when getting ready for bed. It is usually hilarious, often painfully so. I actually own the first 3 seasons on DVD, a gift from a friend who receives promotional copies of every DVD issued as a reviewer for Variety. (She has a lot of DVDs.) Each boxed set for each season contains 3 DVDs -- I have finished 1 DVD in season one and have started DVD#2. I expect DVD's to be obsolete by the time I get to season 3, and my friend has promised me she will give me each new boxed set as she receives it. Needless to say, I did not see the final episode -- that will have to wait until I stumble across it at 11:30 one evening or until I get to the end of the last DVD in the final boxed set sometime in my dotage. At that point I will post a comment to this blog entry sharing my impressions of a much-talked about finale that no one remembers.