Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Note to Commenters

Comments are really appreciated, but I cannot identify commentors who use a sign-in name, nor can I figure out how to contact a commenter.

So, if you give me a comment without a return e mail address, I cannot respond. (If there is a blogspot expert reading this who has a way for me to respond, let me know.

It's a beautiful day in your nation's capital, but the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just read the Anne Bancroft blog and I have to wonder: are you as funny when you are trying to be as you are the rest of the time? If so, Mel Brooks probably has a posting about you on his blog (you should check).
I don't even know how to choose an identity much less how to tell you how to respond, but you know how to find me. (Why does it call me "anonymous?" I chose "other," and I'm clearly nonymous.