Sunday, May 08, 2005

I Would Be More Normal, If.....

1. I hadn't lived for the first 5 years of my life in a house with seven adults and me.

2. My parents had let me sleep over and friends' houses, or let friends sleep at mine.

3. Earl cut my hair, rather than Ralph.

4. I could wear Red Goose or Poll Parrot or Buster Brown shoes, and not Kalithenics which were (as it turned out not) better for my feet.

5. I was allowed to stay up beyond 8:00 sometimes.

6. I was trained to be a Cardinals fan, and not a Browns fan.

7. We had hash brown potatoes at my house, like everyone else did.

8. I had learned to ride a bicycle before 4th grade.

9. I wasn't the only kid I knew who went to my dentist.

10. I wasn't the only kid I knew who went to my doctor.

11. I didn't live at the very edge of my elementary school district, so that all myhome friends went to another school.

12. I liked hamburgers.

13. I had a chance to have a milk shake, at least once.

14. I had as many comic books as most of my friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that explains a lot...i wonder if i should come up with my own list!