Sunday, December 10, 2006

Light Reading (ten cents)

Every now and then you need some light reading. I chose "Hearse of a Different Color" by Tim Cockey largely because, first, I liked the title, and second, I liked the first chapter. It is a comic/mystery set in Baltimore during a very cold winter season, and the hero is the undertaker at whose funeral parlor Helen's body showed up during Dr. Kingman's funeral. This was enough to convince the undertaker (known as Hitch) to solve the crime.

Great literature? no.
Will it be read in 100 years? no.

Is it fun? Yes.

Pretty much fun, although like with most such books, there are times when you wonder why you are spending your time reading it, and at 317 pages, it seemed at least 100 pages too long. And, you begin to lose interest in the characters, the undertaker, his aunt, his weathergirl girl friend, the dead doctor, the dead doctor's wife, the dead doctor's soon to be dead son, the dead doctor's brother, the murdered girl, the murdered girl's sister, the ex-wife and her parents, the dog Alcatraz, the murdered lawyer and his equally murdered wife, and so forth, and so on.

It is a little too manipulative, perhaps. But it was fun. Am I going to read its prequel, "The Hearse You Came in On"? Probably not. But maybe.

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