Thursday, December 28, 2006

Thoughts on Gerald Ford

When Ford was a Michigan representative, I viewed him as an ordinary Republican, not worth paying much attention to.

When Spiro Agnew was forced to resign as vice-president, I first realized that someone unelected could be named vice president and perhaps one day become president. I found this outrageous.

When Nixon selected Ford, I feared the worst. I viewed Ford as an ordinary Republican, not worth paying much attention to.

When I learned that Ford went to Yale Law School, I was in disbelief.

When Ford pardoned Nixon, I was again outraged. But my outrage only lasted about one day, because I determined that this was the right thing to do, to let the country get back to business. Then, my respect for Ford grew a bit.

When Chevy Chase parodied Ford as a president who could not walk and chew gum at the same time, I found it not particularly funny, and not particularly fair.

I can't say that I enjoyed listening to Ford speak, but compared to his successor, Jimmy Carter, who seemed very creepy to me on a personal level, Ford was just fine.

I remember his WIN buttons (whip inflation now), and didn't think them too hokey.

I voted for Carter, because I thought it was time for the Democrats to get back in office, but not because I was afraid of what would happen had Ford won the election.

Every time Ford went into the hospital recently, I knew he would get out. I had faith in his immortality.

Last night, to honor Jerry Ford, I walked my clothes to the laundry, and chewed gum at the same time.

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