Thursday, June 15, 2006

Man on the Street (2 cents)

So, i walk out of my office today and turn down 17th Street towards K. I see a homeless man (at least by all appearances) near the corner with a half gallon of milk in one hand, and what looks like some sort of a sandwich or wrap in the other. He alternates between bites and sips. Then, he must be full, without having finished either. Near the corner are a row of newpaper vendor stands of various sorts. He opens one that contains free newspapers. It is about half full with papers not yet taken by passersby by. He puts the lid on the milk carton and wraps up his sandwich. He lays them neatly on the newspapers in the vendor stand, closes it up, and walks down the street.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Clearly, the newspaper box functions as this man's refridgerator. ;-)He just planned to come back later to grab a snack from the fridge...