Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Plumb Out of Explanations (31 cents)

Here is the short version:

1. Our kitchen sink spigot needs a new thingamagig, because water has begun to splay in all directions when you turn it on. An upstairs bathroom sink spigot needs a new internal thingamabob, because when you turn it off, unless you point it all the way to "cold", there remains a slow, annoying drip.

2. I leave the country for twelve days; my wife stays home.

3. I return and there is a new, perfectly functioning thingamagig on the kitchen spigot and a new, perfectly functioning thingamabob on the bathroom sink spigot.

4. My wife says that there was no plumber in the house while I was gone, and that, while she noticed everything was fixed as well, she has no explanation.

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