Monday, June 26, 2006

sprechen sie english?

I went back to the National Geographic crusade exhibit. The models were just as intriguing. The pictures just as alluring. Looking at the pictures closer, I realized for the first time that both sides (Christians and Moslems) built castles, and that their architecture was remarkably similar.

Then I started looking at the text on the photographic exhibits. Each is in English and French. The organization sponsoring the exhibit, however, appears to be German.

So, I now assume that both the French and English is a translation from the German. I cannot parse the French sufficiently to know, but the English is downright embarrassing, with grammatical errors, and malapropisms galore. And, in addition to the language problems, these detailed explanations, which look like they will be so helpful, in fact are not. They read like you turned to the middle of a badly written book and, as hard as you try, you just cannot figure out the plot, or the characters.

Shame on you, NG. You can do better than this.

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