Friday, April 29, 2005

German Class

As some of you know, after a 40+ year hiatus, I have decided to continue my studies of the German language. I just finished a 12 week course at the Goethe Institute, and must have done OK, because at the last class party, when I asked for Rotwein, I got red wine and not white, and when I asked for Nussen, I got nuts and not cheese.

Now I need to decide how to proceed with my studying. As an interim measure, I bought a copy of Stern yesterday (a German weekly news magazine) and read the first portion of an article on the new German pope, Benedict XVI. I learned the following:

Benedict is an orange man with a wild face and cement nose, who in his spare time, likes to berate field mice and sit on oysters and beer bellies.

Fascinating, no? And, believe it or not, I did this without a dictionary!!!!!!

Thank you, Goethe Institute.

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